Realace, Sony Center
Client: Realace, Sony Center, Berlin
Deliverables: Set of architectural visualisations

The Sony Center in Berlin, house to, among others, the Berlinale Film Festival, is looking to refresh it's interiors: patio, rooftop bar, food court, and gym. Our clients at Realace prepared this new fancy vision for the legendary space.
The space near Potsdamer Platz is a well-known place in Berlin. When 25 years ago architects created this space, they wanted to make it comfortable for working. While times have changed, needs have also. Now, one of the most important trends that we see is creating a more diverse space - one where people can meet, have fun, come up with fresh ideas and kick start a day with training in a modern fitness area.

We did several visualizations of the interior - each one showing a different space and one aerial view where you can see how renovated Sony Center will look like till the end of 2023.